Sunday, December 08, 2013

December 2, 2013

Hey y'all!

Sorry I haven't emailed in a real long time.  I have been caught up.  Things have been going great for us in Kitengela.

I am working with an Elder who is going home in eight days to Harare, Zimbabwe.  We were able to have a baptism this last Sunday (yesterday) and we even got a first-lesson baptism commitment.  It was a great week for us.

My Thanksgiving dinner was ugali and potatoes and soup at our Bishop's house.  Not exactly your down-home Southern Thanksgiving dinner, but it wasn't half bad.  The thing with food around here...  There is nothing that is "delicious" per se but thankfully there is nothing that is so repulsively disgusting.  Nevertheless I cannot wait for my first turkey when I get home.

My freshman year at BYU my roommate, Paul Grayson, and I decided to cook a turkey for our FHE family.  We cooked an AWESOME turkey that turned out really well.  Everyone was extremely impressed with us.

I hope everyone is able to see all of my mission pictures.  They are on my Google Plus.  If you haven't seen them let my mom know.  I don't know if she will be able to help you much, but let her know and then through fasting and prayers she might be able to figure out the computer!  ;)

To access my Album for my mission, here is the address

Elder Dick

Elder Jacob K. Dick
Kenya Nairobi Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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