Friday, June 14, 2013

Field Training graduation and leaving for the MTC

The day finally arrived!  Jacob completed Air Force ROTC field training on 11 June  2013. 28 days of heat and hard work have paid off and he is now an Air Force officer candidate. Yeah!  After the graduation ceremony Jacob reported back to his flight for one last night of training and then was released early on Wednesday, June 12. He was able to hang out with us for a few hours before we took him to the airport in Montgomery, AL to begin his long airplane journey to the South Africa MTC. Jacob's flight was uneventful except for his layover in London. We bought him an international calling card that ended up not working and then when he tried to use his debit / credit card to call us his card was frozen.  Fortunately he was able to buy some internet time with cash and get his card fixed and let us know he was ok (he wasn't set apart as a missionary so no rules broken about calling home....he got set apart once he got to the MTC). When his card was finally working he was able to call for a few minutes.  Before he got on the plane from London he sent one final email.  Here is an excerpt from that email:

"Well here I go! I'm off to head to my gate.The next plane I get on will take me straight to the MTC. Thank you so much for coming down to Alabama.  I really do appreciate it.  This mission deal is freaking hard, and I haven't even been set apart yet! It is a good thing I decided when I was young to go on a mission. It is a choice, but if I am to be an example to my brothers, if I am to shake my Heavenly Father's hand and ask to live with Him again, there seems to be no choice. I'm in! I may have a name tag, but remember WE ARE ALL ENLISTED 'TIL THE CONFLICT IS OVER. And equally as important: HAPPY ARE WE!!!!!  Write me! I will write back. Much love and prayers, Elder Jacob Dick"

I miss this boy so much already!  I couldn't be more proud of my son and the choices he is making! Jacob, you are AMAZING!!
Cadet Jacob Dick at the end of Field Training

Daddy, Pier, Bogue, and Jacob at our favorite hang-out spot...Wal Mart

Mom and Jacob

Elder Dick is about to get on the plane to the MTC in South Africa

Look closely and you'll see Elder Dick is holding his name tag :)

President and Sister Reber of the South Africa MTC welcoming Elder Dick. He made it!!
Cadet Dick at Field Training graduation...the day before he leaves for the MTC.

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